Minimally Invasive Surgery

Minimally Invasive Surgery


About Minimally Invasive Surgery

When it comes to women’s health, there are a lot of innovations being utilized today. One area of medicine that has received some of the latest technology is that of gynecological surgeries. In the past, in order for a surgeon to help patients that have advanced stages of endometriosis, or many other diseases, larger incisions would need to be made in order to provide relief. Different procedures would require different surgical options, most of which would take a toll on the patient. Today, less invasive solutions are utilized in order to help women deal with a number of issues, and get back to living a normal, healthy life. These less invasive options are often times referred to as minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This can also be used for diagnostics, allowing doctors to get to the root of many issues faster, and provide a helping hand. Both surgical procedures and endoscopy is attributed to the use of MIS. Women that require surgical procedures, will find that there are several benefits to explore in regards to Minimally Invasive Surgery.


Exploring 4 Simple Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

Traditional surgery could cause a great deal of pain, discomfort, and even pose serious risk. To alleviate this, modern technologies such as the da Vinci Surgery robot can assist with procedures of varying type. In the past, a surgeon would need to perform larger incisions to accommodate their instruments and hands, but with this latest innovation, small incisions can suffice in many surgical solutions.


Shorter Stays In The Hospital

Hospitalization after surgery is standard, but with MIS, you’ll find that the time spent in recovery will be far less. The expedited recovery time, allows for a quick return to everyday life, work, and healing.


Fewer Scars

Scar tissue is maintained to a minimal, since the incisions are greatly reduced. With smaller cuts, the results are cosmetically better. The incision areas are also less jagged overall, and the appearance is minimal, when there are scars.


Heightened Accuracy

Perhaps one of the best benefits is that of a higher accuracy during surgery. MIS utilizes state of the art video technology to allow surgeons to see tissue and problem areas close up, which gives them far better results, with accuracy that previously couldn’t be done.


Easier Pain Management

After an operation pain levels can be quite hefty, but with the use of the da Vinci surgery robot, pain is usually minimal after surgeries. That means smaller amounts of medication, and faster recoveries overall.
Only a doctor can determine whether or not you’re a candidate for a surgical procedure. Speak with your physician about this solution and how it can help with endometriosis, abdominal surgery, and multiple fibroids. It very well may be the best solution today, as you can see with the aforementioned benefits.
If you would like more information about minimally invasive surgical options, we are here to help.

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